Articles about augmentating and upgrading the human body.

Human Enhancement Technologies: 7 Examples

Human enhancement technologies. What are examples of human enhancement technologies? What are future augment technologies? Incl. definition, benefits & risks Technology human enhancement Human Enhancement is about the use of science and technologies to upgrade, enhance and/or change human capabilities and functions. On my YouTube channel I made this video to explain this term, examples of technologies, and its implications: My video about human enhancement Human Enhancement Examples I describe the following methods and applications in this article, with ...

2023-03-23T13:29:28+02:00By |1 Comment

Human Enhancement Drugs. Examples (4x) & Effect

Human Enhancement Drugs. Definition and examples of performance and cognition Enhancing Drugs. Incl. 4 categories, risks & impact! Drugs for human enhancement Modifying your physical capabilities or enhancing your mood using pharmaceuticals no longer carries the social stigma that it used to. As scientist John Hoberman points out, we live in an era of 'lifestyle medicine', in which people feel empowered to change important aspects of themselves to better match their potential [link at the bottom]. According to him, this ...

2023-05-15T19:31:07+02:00By |0 Comments

Human Genetic Enhancement: Methods & Case studies

Human genetic engineering. CRISPR/cas9 DNA editing of humans. What is the current status? What are the benefits and risks? Including three case studies of DIY Human genetic enhancement and two documentary tips! By the way, I have written an extensive article about this topic: what is Human enhancement, and also about technologies (like drugs), ethics, and movies. Human Genetic Enhancement Genetic modification is a method that has increasingly been in the media in recent years. It is also known as genetic manipulation or genetic engineering. With CRISPR/cas9 ...

2022-11-09T17:51:07+02:00By |0 Comments

Future of Humans: Evolution & New Race

Future humans: evolution. What is the future human species? How do we advance (using technology)? What is the future of the human body, humans and humanity? Future human evolution What will the humans of the future look like? Will we create and sculpt the ‘perfect’ human? In this article, I’ll zoom in on the future of humans – for instance by looking at different methods and techniques in the field of (biomedical) technology, the ethics behind them, and their impact. ...

2024-02-22T17:52:42+02:00By |5 Comments

Superhuman: Definition, Abilities & 5 Examples

Superhuman. What is the definition? What are superhuman abilities? What are 5 examples like genetics, implantable electronics and more. Including benefits, risks, impact & ethics! What is a Superhuman What is the superhuman? In previous articles that I’ve written, I’ve discussed closely-related concepts such as human enhancement, longevity and biohacking [link at the bottom]. In essence, it comes down to the following: it’s about using certain therapies or interventions in order to enhance the human body and the quality of ...

2022-12-21T15:02:03+02:00By |4 Comments

Anti-Aging: Research & Implications

Anti-aging. What can you do to reverse or slow down the aging process? Which 4 pills can be used to stop aging (such as FOXO4 peptide / Proxofim)? What are 5 ways to reverse the aging process (such as removing senescent cells)? What kind of implications could this have (4x)? All about the latest developments in anti-aging science! Anti-aging science What is ‘anti-aging science’? In the medical field, it’s the study of gerontology. This word has it roots in the ...

2022-12-21T15:04:28+02:00By |3 Comments

What is Human Enhancement?

Human Enhancement. What's human enhancement? What is the definition? What's wrong with improving yourself, whether with technology or supplements? This is because of the impact that the actions of an individual can have on society. This offers opportunities, but also risks and dangers. What is human enhancement? The definition of 'human enhancement' is the use of biomedical technologies that have purposes other than the cure or prevention of diseases. Consider, for example, bionic components such as in the movie Ghost ...

2023-12-08T13:22:54+02:00By |6 Comments

Implantable RFID chips humans: reasons & examples

Implantable RFID chip. What are human implantable RFID tags? What is the technology, procedure (with kit), what are the reasons & impact? Incl. 4 examples! I carry an NFC chip in my hand. Why would you insert electronics into your body? How do you do that? Did it hurt? What does it bring me? What are the pros and cons? Implantable RFID tags human In this blog post you can read about the chip, how it works and of course ...

2022-12-21T15:03:32+02:00By |4 Comments

What is Biohacking? Definition, Explanation & Tips

Biohacking. What is biohacking? What’s the definition of biohacking? Explanation of biohacking & 8 topics, like lifestyle, experiments, etc. Hacking your body and your mind for optimal results, and enhancing yourself through all sorts of technological developments, such as immortality. This article also includes a biohacking model, examples and 2 presentations. Biohacking is both a personal and a technological development that’s going to have a big influence on our life and our society. What’s the definition of biohacking? What kind ...

2023-10-06T13:58:06+02:00By |5 Comments
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