About Peter Joosten MSc

Futurist, toekomst-onderzoeker en topspreker Peter Joosten MSc. geeft lezingen, webinars en workshops over de impact van technologie op de mens en maatschappij. Naast spreker is hij ook auteur van de boeken Biohacking en Supermens, podcastmaker en gastdocent bij de TU Eindhoven.

Futurist Technology: 9 developments & 6 megatrends

A trendwatcher and futurist reflects on (technological) developments. What are the technological developments with the greatest impact? This is what I and other trendwatchers and futurists see for the coming years. From blockchain to self-driving cars, from graphene to data storage, from renewable energy to quantum computing. What is a trendwatcher? What is a trend watcher? This is my definition of a trendwatcher: a trendwatcher examines trends and developments in the coming years, whether technological, social, cultural, political or environmental. ...

2023-12-08T13:25:41+02:00By |0 Comments

What is Human Enhancement?

Human Enhancement. What's human enhancement? What is the definition? What's wrong with improving yourself, whether with technology or supplements? This is because of the impact that the actions of an individual can have on society. This offers opportunities, but also risks and dangers. What is human enhancement? The definition of 'human enhancement' is the use of biomedical technologies that have purposes other than the cure or prevention of diseases. Consider, for example, bionic components such as in the movie Ghost ...

2023-12-08T13:22:54+02:00By |6 Comments

Longevity & Immortality: Methods & Impact

Living longer. How can you live longer? Would you like to grow old in good health? What should you eat and what kind of lifestyle changes should you make? What scientific developments are taking place concerning longevity? How are technological developments going to help us extend our lives? And why do companies and corporations also have an interest in this? Growing old I personally try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay in shape. In fact, I’m willing to try out ...

2022-12-21T15:03:25+02:00By |3 Comments

What is Transhumanism? Definition & Trends

What is transhumanism? Definition of transhumanism. What is its meaning and origin? What does transhumanism have to do with technology, science and singularity? What is the impact of this on me as a person and humanity? What are the dangers of transhumanism? What is my opinion about this? Other articles about this topic: transhumanism technologies, transhumanism movies and series, books and art. What is transhumanism? What is transhumanism? It is not a thing but a philosophy. Transhumanists (supporters of this ...

2023-12-08T13:23:31+02:00By |7 Comments

Implantable RFID chips humans: reasons & examples

Implantable RFID chip. What are human implantable RFID tags? What is the technology, procedure (with kit), what are the reasons & impact? Incl. 4 examples! I carry an NFC chip in my hand. Why would you insert electronics into your body? How do you do that? Did it hurt? What does it bring me? What are the pros and cons? Implantable RFID tags human In this blog post you can read about the chip, how it works and of course ...

2022-12-21T15:03:32+02:00By |4 Comments

What is Biohacking? Definition, Explanation & Tips

Biohacking. What is biohacking? What’s the definition of biohacking? Explanation of biohacking & 8 topics, like lifestyle, experiments, etc. Hacking your body and your mind for optimal results, and enhancing yourself through all sorts of technological developments, such as immortality. This article also includes a biohacking model, examples and 2 presentations. Biohacking is both a personal and a technological development that’s going to have a big influence on our life and our society. What’s the definition of biohacking? What kind ...

2023-10-06T13:58:06+02:00By |5 Comments
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